Thursday 3 November 2011

Dream of the 90s (Portlandia)

This says is all.


kid said...

i spent my summer in denver and i tell you my cold-tempered rust belt brother, vestigial phantoms of that dream are in no shortage there, either.

the 90s were shit. such a self-conscience decade as if believing itself the ultimate edge of irresponsibility-as-enlightenment, which it wasn't, (i heard the 60s were) but, credit to it, the word extreme was invented somewhere during this period.

my 90s memories were pro wrestling and thousand dollar systems dropped into the trunks of hideous cars, the escape hatch of which was a sandwich of crap rock with a side of Gillian Anderson. by the end of them, i had banned anything within twenty years of touching my teenaged brain.

twin said...

"keep portland weird"

best selling bumper sticker here...