Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Pulp - Help The Aged

Hey  Gulfboot remember when you came to visit last week? Damn that was a good time, i was gonna write this to you know like the general population but since no one reads this shit but us i figured i'd just address it to you, i was reminiscencing about last week and singing this song to Nick Disaster in the tub and thought it might be a nice addition to Kono-Gulf's library of hip and cool songs, besides we're not as young as we used to be and someday i'm hoping we get to hang out in the same old folks home like the bearded guys in this video.  Who loves ya brother.


Gulfboot Johnson said...

This is the last record I ever bought on 7" single. This also proves I'm old. And hip.

Gulfboot Johnson said...

Oh and yeah. I enjoyed myself immensely. "Drinking, smoking cigs and sniffing glue..."

Jayne said...

I'm waving my new AARP card and singing this song to my kids now. Yeah, give it a rest, Mom. They don't yet get that I'm old. I could use that rail chair.

Gulfboot Johnson said...

What is your addiction Jayne? I've always been curious?